Reg. No. KOL/B-22
A.B.Tea Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-1946
A.K. Patel & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-208
A.S. Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-4897
A.V.Shah & Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-4466
Aarav Tea
Reg. No. KOL/B-5904
Aarti Enterprises
Reg. No. NE/B-26
Abhishek Enterprises
Reg. No. NE/B-10117
Abhishek Trading Company
Reg. No.
ABL International Ltd.
Reg. No.
ABRPacketing Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No.
Adition Nutrient Private Limited
Reg. No. NE/B-47
Aggarwal Brothers
Reg. No. KOL/B-59
Agro Foods
Reg. No. KOL/B-140
Ajay Kumar Vijay Kumar
Reg. No. KOL/B-1520
Reg. No. NE/B-10107
Akhil Kumar Nikhil Kumar(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-55
Al-Gayathri Trading Company Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-1560
Amar Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-1183
Amba Trading Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-1944
Amit Tea Enterprise
Reg. No. NE/B-10116
Amitashish Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-299
Anand Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-2427
Anuj Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-7322
Anurag Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-63
Apollo Tea India
Reg. No. KOL/B-3639
Arihant Tea Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-498
Arvind Tea Traders
Reg. No.
Ashish Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-7685
Ashoka Tea Corporation
Reg. No. KOL/B-1135
Asian Tea & Exports Ltd.(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-790
Asian Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-7118
Aska Tea Traders
Reg. No.
Asomi Industries Private Limited
Reg. No. NE/B-10017
Assam Brook Limited
Reg. No.
Assam Government Marketing Corporation
Reg. No.
Assam Queen
Reg. No. KOL/B-7647
Assam State Warehousing Corpn.(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-4396
Assam Tea Co
Reg. No. KOL/B-1063
Assam Tea Sales
Reg. No. NE/B-10012
Assam Tea Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-124
Assam Trade & Agency(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-255
Avon Tea Co.(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-4546
B K Trading Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-4482
B.K.Poddar & Sons
Reg. No. KOL/B-4412
B.R. Sales
Reg. No. KOL/B-637
Bajrang Tea Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-180
Balaji Agro (P) Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-262
Balaji Udyog
Reg. No. KOL/B-7300
Bansal Agro Beverages (P) Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-303
Bansal Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-808
Bansal Tea Corporation
Reg. No. KOL/B-760
Baruah Innovation
Reg. No. KOL/B-5984
Bengal Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-2954
Bengani Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-651
Bhairundan Jaskaran
Reg. No. KOL/B-347
Bhansali & Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-295
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10186
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10186
Bhauram Jodhraj
Reg. No. NE/B-52
Bhupendra & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-287
Blue Bird (India)
Reg. No. KOL/B-4413
Bon Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-305
Brahmaputra Tea Trade
Reg. No. NE/B-58
Bright & Brisk
Reg. No. KOL/B-3773
C. I. Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-781
C. M. Commercials Pvt .Ltd.
Reg. No.
C. N. Trading & Co
Reg. No.
Capital Tea Marketing
Reg. No. KOL/B-2293
Central Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-1639
Chamelle Tea House
Reg. No.
Chamong Tee Exports Pvt Ltd
Reg. No. KOL/B-10
Chandrakant & Co.(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-393
Chang the Name of Buyer Korangini
Reg. No. KOL/B-608
Chhattar Singh Narendra Kumar
Reg. No. KOL/B-638
Chiranjilal Ratan Lal(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-1535
Commodities International Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-782
Contemporary Commodities Ltd
Reg. No.
D. Dayalbhai & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-265
Deepak Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-155
Deesha Trade Endeavours (P) Ltd
Reg. No. KOL/B-461
Desai & Sons
Reg. No. KOL/B-343
Dholaguri Tea & Foods Pvt Ltd.
Reg. No.
Dhriti Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-3
DKD Marketing
Reg. No. KOL/B-692
Dugar Consumer Products Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-2304
Dugar Tea Company
Reg. No.
Reg. No. NE-B/10282
Duncans Industries Limted(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-864
Duncans Tea Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-212
Dwarkadas & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-514
Reg. No. TB/LC/SI-B/10251
Reg. No. TB/LC/SI-B/10251
Eastern Agro Processing & Tea Ware. Co-o
Reg. No. NE/B-32
Eastern Enterprise (Assam)
Reg. No. KOL/B-648
Eastern Tea Agency
Reg. No. KOL/B-5437
Esbee Tea Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-306
Ess Ess Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-1153
Evergreen Enterprise
Reg. No. NE/B-10002
Fashion Suitings Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-2099
Fresh Leaf Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-8143
Frontech International
Reg. No. KOL/B-7869
G. D. Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-109
Ganga Sons Tea Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-801
Ganganagar Tea Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-2294
Ganpati (International)
Reg. No.
Ganpati Enterprises(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-66
Gauhati Tea & Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-56
Gautam Enterprise
Reg. No. KOL/B-2659
General Commodities Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-218
Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-2891
Girdhari Lal Mohan Lal
Reg. No. KOL/B-831
Girnar Food & Beverages Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-46
Global Exports & Marketing
Reg. No. KOL/B-3715
Global Tea (Assam) Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-276
Gobind Tea
Reg. No. KOL/B-113
Godrej Beverages & Foods Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-869
Golden Global Associates
Reg. No. NE/B-10016
Golden Tea House
Reg. No. KOL/B-1436
Golden Tea House (Exports)
Reg. No. KOL/B-1270
Good Morning Tea
Reg. No. KOL/B-3081
Goodricke Group Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-17
Gorompani Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. NE/B-10024
Gunjan Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-647
Harrisons Malayalam Ltd
Reg. No. KOL/B-134
Harry & Company(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-274
Hasmukhrai & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-1196
Himalaya Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-177
Hindusthan Unilever Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-304
Reg. No. KOL/B-1058
Indian Products Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-219
Indian Products Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-217
J. D. Marketing(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-2884
J. V. Gokal & Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-309
J. V. Gokal and Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-302
Reg. No. NE-B/10292
Jagdamba Enterprise
Reg. No. KOL/B-7619
Jagdamba Trading Corporation
Reg. No. KOL/B-156
Jain Brothers
Reg. No. KOL/B-8105
Jain Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-1284
Jamnadas Tribhovandas & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-800
Jashbhai F. Patel(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-530
Jayashree Tea Traders
Reg. No. TB/LC/KOL-B/10220
Reg. No. TB/LC/KOL-B/10220
Jayshree Tea & Industries Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-245
Jitesh Kumar & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-1765
Josh Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-7494
Reg. No. KOL/B-1732
K. Ashok & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-955
K. B. Trading Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-668
K. Manibhai & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-717
Kamakhya Tea Trading
Reg. No. KOL/B-128
Kamakhya Trader
Reg. No. KOL/B-7513
Kesaria & Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-207
Kesaria Exports
Reg. No. KOL/B-225
Keshav International
Reg. No. KOL/B-7321
Khandelwal Sons
Reg. No. KOL/B-57
Kolony Tea Estate
Reg. No. KOL/B-4150
Korangani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B/5624
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10259
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10259
Krishna Tea Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-7050
Laxmi Sales Corporation
Reg. No. NE/B-02
Laxmi Tea Agency
Reg. No. KOL/B-1006
Laxmi Tea Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-631
Lipton India Exports Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-3292
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10172
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10172
Lotus (India)(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-136
M K Jokai India Ltd.
Reg. No.
M. K. Industries(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-293
M. M. Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-797
M. M.Tea Company(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-154
M.K.Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-7553
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10201
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10201
Maanav Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-7753
Madhu Jayanti International Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-216
Madhu Jayanti Trading Co.(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-203
Madhuban Tea Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-137
Mahabir Tea Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-103
Maharaja Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-7833
Maharaja Trading Company(DR).
Reg. No.
Mahavir Prasad Puneet Kumar
Reg. No. KOL/B-1591
Mahendra & Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-532
Mangalam Food Products(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-4297
Mangalam Tea Products (P) Ltd
Reg. No. KOL/B-1120
Manish Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-639
Mansa Trading Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-3975
Maruti Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-1939
Maya Store
Reg. No. NE/B-10018
MMTC Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-741
Mohani Tea Leaves (P) Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-5478
Mundhra Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-644
Mundhra Trading Corporation
Reg. No. KOL/B-658
N. B. Tea Traders(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-152
N. S. Tea Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-2882
Nabom Enterprise
Reg. No. NE/B-10073
National Agricultural Co-Op. Mkt.Fed. Of
Reg. No. KOL/B-2721
National Trading Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-252
Navin Enterprise
Reg. No. KOL/B-330
Navin Tea Company
Reg. No. NE/B-10127
Navyug Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-41
Nestle India Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-2971
New Tea Company Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-703
Nilachal Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-4953
Nilanchal Enterprises
Reg. No. NE/B-10077
Nilkanth Enterprise
Reg. No. KOL/B-1666
Nirmal Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-7280
Nowal Tea Centre
Reg. No. KOL/B-656
Omprakash Mahabir Prasad
Reg. No. KOL/B-635
Oswal Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-111
P. N. Shah & Sons
Reg. No. KOL/B-298
Padmawati Tea Trading Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-5588
Pakri Tech Private Limited
Reg. No. NE/B-10060
Pandey Tea Trading
Reg. No. KOL/B-7491
Paras Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-206
Parry Agro Industries Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-173
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10255
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10255
Patel Brothers(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-920
Patel Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-1656
Patni Enterprises
Reg. No. NE/B-11
Pioji Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-2698
Pioji Tea Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-1217
Pioneer Enterprise
Reg. No. KOL/B-533
Piyush Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-3673
Prabhat Tea and Textiles Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-1465
Prasad Tea House
Reg. No. KOL/B-108
Prasad Tea Traders
Reg. No. NE/B-10009
Pratham International
Reg. No. KOL/B-7715
Reg. No. KOL/B-1266
Preksha Sales (P) Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-3951
Premier Tea Company
Reg. No. NE/B-10079
Purbanchal Enterprise
Reg. No. KOL/B-873
Purbanchal Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-7757
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1030
R C Traders
Reg. No. NE/B-01
R. K. Tea Industries
Reg. No.
R. Mugatrai & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-239
R. P. Sales Agency
Reg. No. NE/B-84
Radha Madhab Trading Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-223
Raghunath Exports Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-328
Rajasthan Tea Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-701
Rajesh Tea Agency
Reg. No.
Reg. No. NE/B-10108
Rama Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-116
Ramshai Tea Estates Pvt Ltd
Reg. No. KOL/B-567
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10175
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10175
Reg. No. KOL-B/10854
Reg. No. KOL/B-3693
Rohan Ramkamal Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-8334
RU Tea Trading and Manufacturing Pvt. Lt
Reg. No. NE/B-10021
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1028
S R Entrade Pvt. Ltd.(DR)
Reg. No. KOL/B-115
S. P. Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-3666
Sai Sales Corporation
Reg. No. KOL/B-7376
Sampat & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-642
Sanjeevani Chay
Reg. No. KOL/B-7081
Saraf Trading Corporation
Reg. No.
Satya Shyam Trading Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-1202
Reg. No. NE-B/10245
Sethia Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-4394
Shah Brothers
Reg. No. KOL/B-708
Shams Tea Company
Reg. No. NE/B-29
Shandilya Tea Trading
Reg. No.
Shankar Tea Company
Reg. No. NE/B-10047
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10239
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10239
Shiv Tea Centre
Reg. No. KOL/B-6013
Shivam Tea Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-110
Shree Bajrang Bhandar
Reg. No.
Shree Balaji Sales & Services
Reg. No. NE/B-10076
Shree Balaji Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-5590
Shree Hanuman Bhandar(15-16)
Reg. No. KOL/B-1512
Shree Jagdamba Trading Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-156
Shree Krishna Tea Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-64
Shree Laxmi Tea Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-641
Shree Raj Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-649
Shree Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-1001
Shri Matri Krupa Traders
Reg. No. KOL/B-7463
Shyamraipore Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-7594
Siddhant Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-7743
Singh Tea Syndicate
Reg. No.
Singhal Brothers
Reg. No. KOL/B-3604
Sourabh Tea Traders (p) ltd
Reg. No. KOL/B-118
Special Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-7717
Spices Trading Corporation Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-3554
SSK Exports limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-28
Subham Tea Corporation
Reg. No. KOL/B-70
Sumran Agro Private Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-3822
Surya Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-160
Swaraj Tea Industries
Reg. No. NE/B-10069
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1023
T. Pack India
Reg. No. KOL/B-802
T. R. Somani & Sons
Reg. No. KOL/B-142
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1030
Tata Consumer Products Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-381
Tata International Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-722
Tata Teltey Ltd.
Reg. No.
Tea & Tea Enterprise
Reg. No.
Tea Men
Reg. No. KOL/B-348
Tea Tasters & Packagers
Reg. No. KOL/B-4035
Tea World
Reg. No. KOL/B-1145
Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1027
Tewari Tea Corporation
Reg. No. KOL/B-1709
Tewari Tea Trading Private Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-713
The Ananda Bag Tea Company Limited
Reg. No. KOL/B-945
The Assam Company Ltd.
Reg. No.
The Maud Tea of Seed Co. Ltd
Reg. No.
The State Trading Corporation of India L
Reg. No. KOL/B-569
The Teloijan Tea Co Ltd
Reg. No. KOL/B-536
Three Leaves (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-669
Tirupati International
Reg. No.
Reg. No. TB/LC/SI-B/10225
Reg. No. TB/LC/SI-B/10225
Tulsi Trading Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-3749
Uddhav Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-6039
Uniform Tea & Trading Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-7618
Unilever India Exports Ltd
Reg. No. KOL/B-7165
Uphaar Consumer Products
Reg. No. NE/B-10132
Upper Assam Tea Industries
Reg. No. KOL/B-2563
V. Nagrecha & Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-732
Vandana Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-4020
Vedanta Tea Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-7735
Vikram Tea Processor Pvt. Ltd.
Reg. No. KOL/B-7613
Vinayak Enterprises
Reg. No. KOL/B-3979
Vincent Enterprises LLP
Reg. No. KOL/B-7561
Vishnu Overseas
Reg. No. NE/B-39
Vishnu Tea Co.
Reg. No. KOL/B-2887
Vivek Trading Company
Reg. No. KOL/B-830
Wellington Exports
Reg. No. KOL/B-3160