


Reg. No. KOL/B-22

Reg. No. KOL/B-22

A.B.Tea Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-1946

Reg. No. KOL/B-1946

A.K. Patel & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-208

Reg. No. KOL/B-208

A.S. Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-4897

Reg. No. KOL/B-4897

A.V.Shah & Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-4466

Reg. No. KOL/B-4466

Aarav Tea

Reg. No. KOL/B-5904

Reg. No. KOL/B-5904

Aarti Enterprises

Reg. No. NE/B-26

Reg. No. NE/B-26

Abhishek Enterprises

Reg. No. NE/B-10117

Reg. No. NE/B-10117

Abhishek Trading Company

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

ABL International Ltd.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

ABRPacketing Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Aditi Exports

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Adition Nutrient Private Limited

Reg. No. NE/B-47

Reg. No. NE/B-47

Aggarwal Brothers

Reg. No. KOL/B-59

Reg. No. KOL/B-59

Agro Foods

Reg. No. KOL/B-140

Reg. No. KOL/B-140

Ajay Kumar Vijay Kumar

Reg. No. KOL/B-1520

Reg. No. KOL/B-1520


Reg. No. NE/B-10107

Reg. No. NE/B-10107

Akhil Kumar Nikhil Kumar(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-55

Reg. No. KOL/B-55

Al-Gayathri Trading Company Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-1560

Reg. No. KOL/B-1560

Amar Tea Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-1183

Reg. No. KOL/B-1183

Amba Trading Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-1944

Reg. No. KOL/B-1944

Amit Tea Enterprise

Reg. No. NE/B-10116

Reg. No. NE/B-10116

Amitashish Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-299

Reg. No. KOL/B-299

Anand Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-2427

Reg. No. KOL/B-2427

Anuj Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-7322

Reg. No. KOL/B-7322

Anurag Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-63

Reg. No. KOL/B-63

Apollo Tea India

Reg. No. KOL/B-3639

Reg. No. KOL/B-3639

Arihant Tea Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-498

Reg. No. KOL/B-498

Arvind Tea Traders

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Ashish Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-7685

Reg. No. KOL/B-7685

Ashoka Tea Corporation

Reg. No. KOL/B-1135

Reg. No. KOL/B-1135

Asian Tea & Exports Ltd.(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-790

Reg. No. KOL/B-790

Asian Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-7118

Reg. No. KOL/B-7118

Aska Tea Traders

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Asomi Industries Private Limited

Reg. No. NE/B-10017

Reg. No. NE/B-10017

Assam Brook Limited

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Assam Government Marketing Corporation

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Assam Queen

Reg. No. KOL/B-7647

Reg. No. KOL/B-7647

Assam State Warehousing Corpn.(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-4396

Reg. No. KOL/B-4396

Assam Tea Co

Reg. No. KOL/B-1063

Reg. No. KOL/B-1063

Assam Tea Sales

Reg. No. NE/B-10012

Reg. No. NE/B-10012

Assam Tea Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-124

Reg. No. KOL/B-124

Assam Trade & Agency(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-255

Reg. No. KOL/B-255

Avon Tea Co.(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-4546

Reg. No. KOL/B-4546

B K Trading Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-4482

Reg. No. KOL/B-4482

B.K.Poddar & Sons

Reg. No. KOL/B-4412

Reg. No. KOL/B-4412

B.R. Sales

Reg. No. KOL/B-637

Reg. No. KOL/B-637

Bajrang Tea Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-180

Reg. No. KOL/B-180

Balaji Agro (P) Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-262

Reg. No. KOL/B-262

Balaji Udyog

Reg. No. KOL/B-7300

Reg. No. KOL/B-7300

Bansal Agro Beverages (P) Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-303

Reg. No. KOL/B-303

Bansal Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-808

Reg. No. KOL/B-808

Bansal Tea Corporation

Reg. No. KOL/B-760

Reg. No. KOL/B-760

Baruah Innovation

Reg. No. KOL/B-5984

Reg. No. KOL/B-5984

Bengal Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-2954

Reg. No. KOL/B-2954

Bengani Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-651

Reg. No. KOL/B-651

Bhairundan Jaskaran

Reg. No. KOL/B-347

Reg. No. KOL/B-347

Bhansali & Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-295

Reg. No. KOL/B-295


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10186

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10186

Bhauram Jodhraj

Reg. No. NE/B-52

Reg. No. NE/B-52

Bhupendra & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-287

Reg. No. KOL/B-287

Blue Bird (India)

Reg. No. KOL/B-4413

Reg. No. KOL/B-4413

Bon Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-305

Reg. No. KOL/B-305

Brahmaputra Tea Trade

Reg. No. NE/B-58

Reg. No. NE/B-58

Bright & Brisk

Reg. No. KOL/B-3773

Reg. No. KOL/B-3773

C. I. Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-781

Reg. No. KOL/B-781

C. M. Commercials Pvt .Ltd.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

C. N. Trading & Co

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Capital Tea Marketing

Reg. No. KOL/B-2293

Reg. No. KOL/B-2293

Central Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-1639

Reg. No. KOL/B-1639

Chamelle Tea House

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Chamong Tee Exports Pvt Ltd

Reg. No. KOL/B-10

Reg. No. KOL/B-10

Chandrakant & Co.(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-393

Reg. No. KOL/B-393

Chang the Name of Buyer Korangini

Reg. No. KOL/B-608

Reg. No. KOL/B-608

Chhattar Singh Narendra Kumar

Reg. No. KOL/B-638

Reg. No. KOL/B-638

Chiranjilal Ratan Lal(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-1535

Reg. No. KOL/B-1535

Commodities International Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-782

Reg. No. KOL/B-782

Contemporary Commodities Ltd

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

D. Dayalbhai & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-265

Reg. No. KOL/B-265

Das Tea Co.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Deepak Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-155

Reg. No. KOL/B-155

Deesha Trade Endeavours (P) Ltd

Reg. No. KOL/B-461

Reg. No. KOL/B-461

Desai & Sons

Reg. No. KOL/B-343

Reg. No. KOL/B-343

Dholaguri Tea & Foods Pvt Ltd.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Dhriti Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-3

Reg. No. KOL/B-3

DKD Marketing

Reg. No. KOL/B-692

Reg. No. KOL/B-692

Dugar Consumer Products Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-2304

Reg. No. KOL/B-2304

Dugar Tea Company

Reg. No.

Reg. No.


Reg. No. NE-B/10282

Reg. No. NE-B/10282

Duncans Industries Limted(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-864

Reg. No. KOL/B-864

Duncans Tea Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-212

Reg. No. KOL/B-212

Dwarkadas & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-514

Reg. No. KOL/B-514


Reg. No. TB/LC/SI-B/10251

Reg. No. TB/LC/SI-B/10251

Eastern Agro Processing & Tea Ware. Co-o

Reg. No. NE/B-32

Reg. No. NE/B-32

Eastern Enterprise (Assam)

Reg. No. KOL/B-648

Reg. No. KOL/B-648

Eastern Tea Agency

Reg. No. KOL/B-5437

Reg. No. KOL/B-5437

Esbee Tea Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-306

Reg. No. KOL/B-306

Ess Ess Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-1153

Reg. No. KOL/B-1153

Evergreen Enterprise

Reg. No. NE/B-10002

Reg. No. NE/B-10002

Fashion Suitings Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-2099

Reg. No. KOL/B-2099

Fresh Leaf Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-8143

Reg. No. KOL/B-8143

Frontech International

Reg. No. KOL/B-7869

Reg. No. KOL/B-7869

G. D. Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-109

Reg. No. KOL/B-109

Ganga Sons Tea Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-801

Reg. No. KOL/B-801

Ganganagar Tea Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-2294

Reg. No. KOL/B-2294

Ganpati (International)

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Ganpati Enterprises(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-66

Reg. No. KOL/B-66

Gauhati Tea & Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-56

Reg. No. KOL/B-56

Gautam Enterprise

Reg. No. KOL/B-2659

Reg. No. KOL/B-2659

General Commodities Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-218

Reg. No. KOL/B-218

Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-2891

Reg. No. KOL/B-2891

Girdhari Lal Mohan Lal

Reg. No. KOL/B-831

Reg. No. KOL/B-831

Girnar Food & Beverages Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-46

Reg. No. KOL/B-46

Global Exports & Marketing

Reg. No. KOL/B-3715

Reg. No. KOL/B-3715

Global Tea (Assam) Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-276

Reg. No. KOL/B-276

Gobind Tea

Reg. No. KOL/B-113

Reg. No. KOL/B-113

Godrej Beverages & Foods Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-869

Reg. No. KOL/B-869

Golden Global Associates

Reg. No. NE/B-10016

Reg. No. NE/B-10016

Golden Tea House

Reg. No. KOL/B-1436

Reg. No. KOL/B-1436

Golden Tea House (Exports)

Reg. No. KOL/B-1270

Reg. No. KOL/B-1270

Good Morning Tea

Reg. No. KOL/B-3081

Reg. No. KOL/B-3081

Goodricke Group Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-17

Reg. No. KOL/B-17

Gorompani Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. NE/B-10024

Reg. No. NE/B-10024

Gunjan Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-647

Reg. No. KOL/B-647

Harrisons Malayalam Ltd

Reg. No. KOL/B-134

Reg. No. KOL/B-134

Harry & Company(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-274

Reg. No. KOL/B-274

Hasmukhrai & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-1196

Reg. No. KOL/B-1196

Himalaya Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-177

Reg. No. KOL/B-177

Hindusthan Unilever Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-304

Reg. No. KOL/B-304


Reg. No. KOL/B-1058

Reg. No. KOL/B-1058

Indian Products Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-219

Reg. No. KOL/B-219

Indian Products Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-217

Reg. No. KOL/B-217

J. D. Marketing(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-2884

Reg. No. KOL/B-2884

J. V. Gokal & Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-309

Reg. No. KOL/B-309

J. V. Gokal and Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-302

Reg. No. KOL/B-302


Reg. No. NE-B/10292

Reg. No. NE-B/10292

Jagdamba Enterprise

Reg. No. KOL/B-7619

Reg. No. KOL/B-7619

Jagdamba Trading Corporation

Reg. No. KOL/B-156

Reg. No. KOL/B-156

Jain Brothers

Reg. No. KOL/B-8105

Reg. No. KOL/B-8105

Jain Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-1284

Reg. No. KOL/B-1284

Jamnadas Tribhovandas & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-800

Reg. No. KOL/B-800

Jashbhai F. Patel(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-530

Reg. No. KOL/B-530

Jayashree Tea Traders

Reg. No. TB/LC/KOL-B/10220

Reg. No. TB/LC/KOL-B/10220

Jayshree Tea & Industries Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-245

Reg. No. KOL/B-245

Jitesh Kumar & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-1765

Reg. No. KOL/B-1765

Josh Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-7494

Reg. No. KOL/B-7494


Reg. No. KOL/B-1732

Reg. No. KOL/B-1732

K. Ashok & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-955

Reg. No. KOL/B-955

K. B. Trading Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-668

Reg. No. KOL/B-668

K. Manibhai & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-717

Reg. No. KOL/B-717

Kamakhya Tea Trading

Reg. No. KOL/B-128

Reg. No. KOL/B-128

Kamakhya Trader

Reg. No. KOL/B-7513

Reg. No. KOL/B-7513

Kesaria & Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-207

Reg. No. KOL/B-207

Kesaria Exports

Reg. No. KOL/B-225

Reg. No. KOL/B-225

Keshav International

Reg. No. KOL/B-7321

Reg. No. KOL/B-7321

Khandelwal Sons

Reg. No. KOL/B-57

Reg. No. KOL/B-57

Kolony Tea Estate

Reg. No. KOL/B-4150

Reg. No. KOL/B-4150

Korangani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B/5624

Reg. No. KOL/B/5624


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10259

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10259

Krishna Tea Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-7050

Reg. No. KOL/B-7050

Laxmi Sales Corporation

Reg. No. NE/B-02

Reg. No. NE/B-02

Laxmi Tea Agency

Reg. No. KOL/B-1006

Reg. No. KOL/B-1006

Laxmi Tea Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-631

Reg. No. KOL/B-631

Lipton India Exports Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-3292

Reg. No. KOL/B-3292


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10172

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10172

Lotus (India)(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-136

Reg. No. KOL/B-136

M K Jokai India Ltd.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

M. K. Industries(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-293

Reg. No. KOL/B-293

M. M. Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-797

Reg. No. KOL/B-797

M. M.Tea Company(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-154

Reg. No. KOL/B-154

M.K.Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-7553

Reg. No. KOL/B-7553


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10201

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10201

Maanav Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-7753

Reg. No. KOL/B-7753

Madhu Jayanti International Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-216

Reg. No. KOL/B-216

Madhu Jayanti Trading Co.(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-203

Reg. No. KOL/B-203

Madhuban Tea Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-137

Reg. No. KOL/B-137

Mahabir Tea Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-103

Reg. No. KOL/B-103

Maharaja Tea Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-7833

Reg. No. KOL/B-7833

Maharaja Trading Company(DR).

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Mahavir Prasad Puneet Kumar

Reg. No. KOL/B-1591

Reg. No. KOL/B-1591

Mahendra & Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-532

Reg. No. KOL/B-532

Mangalam Food Products(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-4297

Reg. No. KOL/B-4297

Mangalam Tea Products (P) Ltd

Reg. No. KOL/B-1120

Reg. No. KOL/B-1120

Manish Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-639

Reg. No. KOL/B-639

Mansa Trading Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-3975

Reg. No. KOL/B-3975

Maruti Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-1939

Reg. No. KOL/B-1939

Maya Store

Reg. No. NE/B-10018

Reg. No. NE/B-10018

MMTC Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-741

Reg. No. KOL/B-741

Mohani Tea Leaves (P) Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-5478

Reg. No. KOL/B-5478

Mundhra Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-644

Reg. No. KOL/B-644

Mundhra Trading Corporation

Reg. No. KOL/B-658

Reg. No. KOL/B-658

N. B. Tea Traders(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-152

Reg. No. KOL/B-152

N. S. Tea Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-2882

Reg. No. KOL/B-2882

Nabom Enterprise

Reg. No. NE/B-10073

Reg. No. NE/B-10073

National Agricultural Co-Op. Mkt.Fed. Of

Reg. No. KOL/B-2721

Reg. No. KOL/B-2721

National Trading Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-252

Reg. No. KOL/B-252

Navin Enterprise

Reg. No. KOL/B-330

Reg. No. KOL/B-330

Navin Tea Company

Reg. No. NE/B-10127

Reg. No. NE/B-10127

Navyug Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-41

Reg. No. KOL/B-41

Nestle India Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-2971

Reg. No. KOL/B-2971

New Tea Company Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-703

Reg. No. KOL/B-703

Nilachal Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-4953

Reg. No. KOL/B-4953

Nilanchal Enterprises

Reg. No. NE/B-10077

Reg. No. NE/B-10077

Nilkanth Enterprise

Reg. No. KOL/B-1666

Reg. No. KOL/B-1666

Nirmal Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-7280

Reg. No. KOL/B-7280

Nowal Tea Centre

Reg. No. KOL/B-656

Reg. No. KOL/B-656

Omprakash Mahabir Prasad

Reg. No. KOL/B-635

Reg. No. KOL/B-635

Oswal Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-111

Reg. No. KOL/B-111

P. N. Shah & Sons

Reg. No. KOL/B-298

Reg. No. KOL/B-298

Padmawati Tea Trading Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-5588

Reg. No. KOL/B-5588

Pakri Tech Private Limited

Reg. No. NE/B-10060

Reg. No. NE/B-10060

Pandey Tea Trading

Reg. No. KOL/B-7491

Reg. No. KOL/B-7491

Paras Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-206

Reg. No. KOL/B-206

Parry Agro Industries Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-173

Reg. No. KOL/B-173


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10255

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10255

Patel Brothers(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-920

Reg. No. KOL/B-920

Patel Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-1656

Reg. No. KOL/B-1656

Patni Enterprises

Reg. No. NE/B-11

Reg. No. NE/B-11

Pioji Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-2698

Reg. No. KOL/B-2698

Pioji Tea Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-1217

Reg. No. KOL/B-1217

Pioneer Enterprise

Reg. No. KOL/B-533

Reg. No. KOL/B-533

Piyush Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-3673

Reg. No. KOL/B-3673

Prabhat Tea and Textiles Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-1465

Reg. No. KOL/B-1465

Prasad Tea House

Reg. No. KOL/B-108

Reg. No. KOL/B-108

Prasad Tea Traders

Reg. No. NE/B-10009

Reg. No. NE/B-10009

Pratham International

Reg. No. KOL/B-7715

Reg. No. KOL/B-7715

Pratima Tea Co.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.


Reg. No. KOL/B-1266

Reg. No. KOL/B-1266

Preksha Sales (P) Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-3951

Reg. No. KOL/B-3951

Premier Tea Company

Reg. No. NE/B-10079

Reg. No. NE/B-10079

Purbanchal Enterprise

Reg. No. KOL/B-873

Reg. No. KOL/B-873

Purbanchal Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-7757

Reg. No. KOL/B-7757


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1030

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1030

R C Traders

Reg. No. NE/B-01

Reg. No. NE/B-01

R. K. Tea Industries

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

R. Mugatrai & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-239

Reg. No. KOL/B-239

R. P. Sales Agency

Reg. No. NE/B-84

Reg. No. NE/B-84

Radha Madhab Trading Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-223

Reg. No. KOL/B-223

Raghunath Exports Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-328

Reg. No. KOL/B-328

Rajasthan Tea Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-701

Reg. No. KOL/B-701

Rajesh Tea Agency

Reg. No.

Reg. No.


Reg. No. NE/B-10108

Reg. No. NE/B-10108

Rama Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-116

Reg. No. KOL/B-116

Ramshai Tea Estates Pvt Ltd

Reg. No. KOL/B-567

Reg. No. KOL/B-567


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10175

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10175


Reg. No. KOL-B/10854

Reg. No. KOL-B/10854


Reg. No. KOL/B-3693

Reg. No. KOL/B-3693

Rohan Ramkamal Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-8334

Reg. No. KOL/B-8334

RU Tea Trading and Manufacturing Pvt. Lt

Reg. No. NE/B-10021

Reg. No. NE/B-10021


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1028

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1028

S P Udyog

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

S R Entrade Pvt. Ltd.(DR)

Reg. No. KOL/B-115

Reg. No. KOL/B-115

S. P. Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-3666

Reg. No. KOL/B-3666

Sai Sales Corporation

Reg. No. KOL/B-7376

Reg. No. KOL/B-7376

Sampat & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-642

Reg. No. KOL/B-642

Sanjeevani Chay

Reg. No. KOL/B-7081

Reg. No. KOL/B-7081

Saraf Trading Corporation

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Satya Shyam Trading Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-1202

Reg. No. KOL/B-1202


Reg. No. NE-B/10245

Reg. No. NE-B/10245

Sethia Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-4394

Reg. No. KOL/B-4394

Shah Brothers

Reg. No. KOL/B-708

Reg. No. KOL/B-708

Shams Tea Company

Reg. No. NE/B-29

Reg. No. NE/B-29

Shandilya Tea Trading

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Shankar Tea Company

Reg. No. NE/B-10047

Reg. No. NE/B-10047


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10239

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/10239

Shiv Tea Centre

Reg. No. KOL/B-6013

Reg. No. KOL/B-6013

Shivam Tea Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-110

Reg. No. KOL/B-110

Shree Bajrang Bhandar

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Shree Balaji Sales & Services

Reg. No. NE/B-10076

Reg. No. NE/B-10076

Shree Balaji Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-5590

Reg. No. KOL/B-5590

Shree Hanuman Bhandar(15-16)

Reg. No. KOL/B-1512

Reg. No. KOL/B-1512

Shree Jagdamba Trading Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-156

Reg. No. KOL/B-156

Shree Krishna Tea Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-64

Reg. No. KOL/B-64

Shree Laxmi Tea Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-641

Reg. No. KOL/B-641

Shree Raj Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-649

Reg. No. KOL/B-649

Shree Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-1001

Reg. No. KOL/B-1001

Shri Matri Krupa Traders

Reg. No. KOL/B-7463

Reg. No. KOL/B-7463

Shyamraipore Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-7594

Reg. No. KOL/B-7594

Siddhant Tea Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-7743

Reg. No. KOL/B-7743

Singh Tea Syndicate

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Singhal Brothers

Reg. No. KOL/B-3604

Reg. No. KOL/B-3604

Sourabh Tea Traders (p) ltd

Reg. No. KOL/B-118

Reg. No. KOL/B-118

Special Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-7717

Reg. No. KOL/B-7717

Spices Trading Corporation Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-3554

Reg. No. KOL/B-3554

SSK Exports limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-28

Reg. No. KOL/B-28


Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Subham Tea Corporation

Reg. No. KOL/B-70

Reg. No. KOL/B-70

Sumran Agro Private Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-3822

Reg. No. KOL/B-3822

Surya Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-160

Reg. No. KOL/B-160

Swaraj Tea Industries

Reg. No. NE/B-10069

Reg. No. NE/B-10069


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1023

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1023

T. Pack India

Reg. No. KOL/B-802

Reg. No. KOL/B-802

T. R. Somani & Sons

Reg. No. KOL/B-142

Reg. No. KOL/B-142


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1030

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1030

Tata Consumer Products Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-381

Reg. No. KOL/B-381

Tata International Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-722

Reg. No. KOL/B-722

Tata Teltey Ltd.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Tea & Tea Enterprise

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

Tea Men

Reg. No. KOL/B-348

Reg. No. KOL/B-348

Tea Tasters & Packagers

Reg. No. KOL/B-4035

Reg. No. KOL/B-4035

Tea World

Reg. No. KOL/B-1145

Reg. No. KOL/B-1145


Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1027

Reg. No. TB/LC/NE-B/1027

Tewari Tea Corporation

Reg. No. KOL/B-1709

Reg. No. KOL/B-1709

Tewari Tea Trading Private Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-713

Reg. No. KOL/B-713


Reg. No.

Reg. No.

The Ananda Bag Tea Company Limited

Reg. No. KOL/B-945

Reg. No. KOL/B-945

The Assam Company Ltd.

Reg. No.

Reg. No.


Reg. No.

Reg. No.

The Maud Tea of Seed Co. Ltd

Reg. No.

Reg. No.

The State Trading Corporation of India L

Reg. No. KOL/B-569

Reg. No. KOL/B-569

The Teloijan Tea Co Ltd

Reg. No. KOL/B-536

Reg. No. KOL/B-536

Three Leaves (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-669

Reg. No. KOL/B-669

Tirupati International

Reg. No.

Reg. No.


Reg. No. TB/LC/SI-B/10225

Reg. No. TB/LC/SI-B/10225

Tulsi Trading Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-3749

Reg. No. KOL/B-3749

Uddhav Tea Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-6039

Reg. No. KOL/B-6039

Uniform Tea & Trading Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-7618

Reg. No. KOL/B-7618

Unilever India Exports Ltd

Reg. No. KOL/B-7165

Reg. No. KOL/B-7165

Uphaar Consumer Products

Reg. No. NE/B-10132

Reg. No. NE/B-10132

Upper Assam Tea Industries

Reg. No. KOL/B-2563

Reg. No. KOL/B-2563

V. Nagrecha & Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-732

Reg. No. KOL/B-732

Vandana Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-4020

Reg. No. KOL/B-4020

Vedanta Tea Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-7735

Reg. No. KOL/B-7735

Vikram Tea Processor Pvt. Ltd.

Reg. No. KOL/B-7613

Reg. No. KOL/B-7613

Vinayak Enterprises

Reg. No. KOL/B-3979

Reg. No. KOL/B-3979

Vincent Enterprises LLP

Reg. No. KOL/B-7561

Reg. No. KOL/B-7561

Vishnu Overseas

Reg. No. NE/B-39

Reg. No. NE/B-39

Vishnu Tea Co.

Reg. No. KOL/B-2887

Reg. No. KOL/B-2887

Vivek Trading Company

Reg. No. KOL/B-830

Reg. No. KOL/B-830

Wellington Exports

Reg. No. KOL/B-3160

Reg. No. KOL/B-3160